The Group makes important efforts to contribute to research in the field of Biomedical Sciences. This activity mainly takes place in HLA hospitals through clinical trials and observational studies, but also it also occurs in the specialised units, such as Oftalvist or the Assisted Reproduction Unit. In addition to these actions, the Group also contributes to pushing forward research with its participation in the publication of specialised works and studies.
- Oftalvist Valencia Study: The HLA-Oftalvist Ophthalmology Unit participated in an international project to avoid blindness, thus becoming the only private centre to participate in the ‘Fight Retinal Blindness’ project which will enable the recognition of deficiencies and healthcare solutions for pathologies associated with the retina. The international project consists of registering patients who may give a solution to late diagnosis and overtreatment in patients with age-related macular degeneration, the main cause of blindness in persons over 50.
- Antibiotics resistance study: Doctors Nieves María Coronado Álvarez and Diego Parra, under the direction of Doctor Jorge Parra Ruiz, published, in Spain’s most important journal on infectious pathology ‘Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology’, the results of a study which demonstrates the great usefulness of combinations of fosfomycin. This usage of the Spanish antibiotic, which is rarely used with other antibiotics, could increase the effectiveness of current treatments and contribute, due to its increased effectiveness, to the appearance of fewer resistances. Resistance to antibiotics is one of the greatest threats to world health, food safety and development.
- Hibernation when CPR does not work: Doctor Juan Fajardo, head of the ICU of HLA Santa Isabel in Seville, has formulated a hypothesis which, if confirmed, could suppose an alternative for patients who suffer a cardiac arrest and do not respond to Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). The hypothesis suggests treating cardiac arrest by inducing a state similar to that of hibernations, allowing the patient to rest until their heart and brain recover from the cardiorespiratory issue. The theory was presented in Bologna (Italy) in the European Resuscitation Council (ERC) conference on new technologies applied to resuscitation.The publication of works and studies constitutes another of the Group’s contributions to research. The professionals and doctors who work for the company participated in the development of various publications throughout 2018. Highlights include:
- Manual of urology for paediatricians: Dr. Jesús Gracia Romero, a paediatric Surgeon and Urologist at HLA Montpellier, alongside Dr. Paolo Bragagnini Rodríguez, published the book ‘Urology for Paediatricians’. Throughout its twenty-three chapters, it features the most frequent ailments in this super speciality, such as testicular pain, genitourinary tumours and the surgical, diagnostic and therapeutic techniques most commonly used in the sector. The content details the experiences of paediatric surgeons throughout Spain, with high definition illustrations. The potential profits from the work will be donated to the Santo Hermano Pedro Social Works foundation of Guatemala. The authors have collaborated with this institution for years, evaluating and operating on children with scant resources in the medical-surgical clinics of the entity.
- Participation in the manual on mechanical ventilation: Three professionals of the Nursing Department of HLA Vistahermosa in Alicante – Isabel Casabona, Supervisor of Emergencies and the Hemodynamic-ICU; Manuel Lillo, Supervisor of Hospitalisation; and Rodrigo Santos, ICU Nurse – have collaborated on the realisation of a chapter in the pioneering Manual on Mechanical Ventilation for Nursing. The version is oriented around nursing, published by the medical publishers Panamericana and aimed at all healthcare staff in the following units: Critical Care, Anaesthesia, Resuscitation, Coronary Units, Cardiac Surgery, ICU, Anaesthesia Recovery Units, Functional Respiratory Recovery Units/Rooms, Pulmonology, Emergencies and Urgent Medical Transport of Critical Patients (SAMUR). In short, post-surgical departments, rooms or units in which mechanical ventilation is used as an invasive or non-invasive tool for respiratory support.