Message from the President

//Message from the President
Message from the President 2018-07-19T10:36:04+00:00

Message from the President

The recent constitution of HLA Health Services as an integrated group of hospitals has enabled us to take a qualitative leap in our assistance model – we have been able to increase synergies between the various centres, develop a centralised management system and establish uniform criteria for quality. Always with the objective of improving the services we offer. Everybody wins, but above all it is a win for the patients.

The consolidated results have already demonstrated this trend. The turnover of the hospital network increased to 294 million euros and the income from the other centres and facilities added another81,2 million, , meaning that the group made 375,2 million in total. In terms of activity, our hospitals handled 1,3 million consultations, 474,000 emergencies, 71,000 admissions y 122,000 surgical interventions. These figures are very notable, worthy of the main hospital group of the insurance sector, and we are convinced that we are going to surpass them in upcoming years because our growth dynamic is exceedingly solid.

Furthermore, behind these results lies a philosophy and a way of working that makes us unique. Our mission is based on the values of humanity, excellence, leadership, responsibility, safety and specialisation. At the same time, HLA is governed by the principles of the healthcare cooperative movement. We are a non-profit group which forms part of the social economy and this characteristic shines through in all our activities, seeing as the benefits we obtain from it are constantly channelled into renewing or improving our equipment and facilities. Thusly, in the last seven years we have been able to invest 183 million euros in improving and growing our network, with the ultimate goal of placing the demands and needs of our patients at our very core.

Excellence when taking care of our patients has always been a central pillar of our way of working. At HLA we have taken yet another step in that same direction and we want to be closer to our patients every time they need our attention. Therefore we have launched the Patient´s Web Portal which facilitates the direct management of appointments in all our centres and enables access to reports written and tests performed. We have also designed various programmes to offer our patients a unique experience, to make their stay in our centres more comfortable and to help them form healthier lifestyle habits, amongst which we highlight those aimed at resolving nutritional issues.

Our strategy is directed towards growth. It is growth which allows us to innovate, to invest, to keep doing things and to improve peoples´ quality of life. This expansion strategy not only includes potential acquisitions, we are also open to new alliances and agreements which consolidate our position in the national and international markets.

The recent constitution of HLA Health Services as an integrated group of hospitals has enabled us to take a qualitative leap in our assistance model – we have been able to increase synergies between the various centres, develop a centralised management system and establish uniform criteria for quality. Always with the objective of improving the services we offer. Everybody wins, but above all it is a win for the patients.

The consolidated results have already demonstrated this trend. The turnover of the hospital network increased to 294 million euros and the income from the other centres and facilities added another81,2 million, , meaning that the group made 375,2 million in total. In terms of activity, our hospitals handled 1,3 million consultations, 474,000 emergencies, 71,000 admissions y 122,000 surgical interventions. These figures are very notable, worthy of the main hospital group of the insurance sector, and we are convinced that we are going to surpass them in upcoming years because our growth dynamic is exceedingly solid.

Furthermore, behind these results lies a philosophy and a way of working that makes us unique. Our mission is based on the values of humanity, excellence, leadership, responsibility, safety and specialisation. At the same time, HLA is governed by the principles of the healthcare cooperative movement. We are a non-profit group which forms part of the social economy and this characteristic shines through in all our activities, seeing as the benefits we obtain from it are constantly channelled into renewing or improving our equipment and facilities. Thusly, in the last seven years we have been able to invest 183 million euros in improving and growing our network, with the ultimate goal of placing the demands and needs of our patients at our very core.

Excellence when taking care of our patients has always been a central pillar of our way of working. At HLA we have taken yet another step in that same direction and we want to be closer to our patients every time they need our attention. Therefore we have launched the Patient´s Web Portal which facilitates the direct management of appointments in all our centres and enables access to reports written and tests performed. We have also designed various programmes to offer our patients a unique experience, to make their stay in our centres more comfortable and to help them form healthier lifestyle habits, amongst which we highlight those aimed at resolving nutritional issues.

Our strategy is directed towards growth. It is growth which allows us to innovate, to invest, to keep doing things and to improve peoples´ quality of life. This expansion strategy not only includes potential acquisitions, we are also open to new alliances and agreements which consolidate our position in the national and international markets.