Key aspects of 2018

///The Patient Web Portal
The Patient Web Portal 2018-07-19T12:07:11+00:00

The Patient Web Portal

HLA has continued with its open-minded policy on its mission to provide excellent treatment for the care of our patients’ health and illness prevention, increasing its volume of business by 3%.

The ‘Patient Web Portal’ is a digital platform which enables patients to manage their appointments themselves and to get information about their medical record, without having to travel to a medical centre.  It is intended to provide a quicker, simpler and more convenient service to users, with this aspect being one of HLA’s quality objectives that are aimed at improving the patient’s experience.

The system offers various options: arranging and altering an appointment; printing diagnostic image reports, admission reports, external consultation reports or clinical analysis results; accessing your record of previous appointments and pending appointments, with the ability to cancel any you wish; and all with full security as regards access. Currently, almost 80,000 patients have already registered on the Portal so that they can manage their relationship with the HLA care network and over 43,000 appointments have been made through the platform.