How did we do in 2017?

Other HLA workshops 2018-07-19T15:59:19+00:00

Other HLA workshops

The HLA Group has a clear commitment to prevention, as an additional element and an obligation to not only restore the health of our patients but to also prevent illness.

That’s why, in 2017, it collaborated with the area in which it works, as this is a unique value.

We therefore carried out over 40 training activities for our professionals, patients and the general population, including:

Robotic Surgery Workshop

The Workshop on Robotic Surgery involved various experts analysing the latest advances in the application of robotics to different types of surgery: renal, prostate, colorectal and head and neck.

The Blood Marathon

This was a simultaneous blood donation marathon in our hospitals. With help from Pepe Rodríguez and the authorised blood banks of each province, we called out to the population to come to HLA centres and give blood.

The result was the collection of more than 250 blood bags bags which can help us to save almost 700 lives.

Euromelanoma Week

A number of our centres collaborated with European Melanoma Week which took place simultaneously all over the continent, offering consultancy and monitoring to the population in order to raise awareness about the importance of prevention.

World Lymphoma Awareness Day

Our hospitals collaborated with the Spanish Association of those Affected by Lymphoma, Myeloma and Leukaemia (AEAL from the Spanish) in order to our patients as regards these types of tumour.