Message from the President
Dear friends,
Each year, I have the pleasure of writing to you to present the HLA Group Report. And for another year in a row, we can say that the results we will see below reaffirm the right choice we made when creating HLA Healthcare as a hospital group featuring centralised management, the idea which forms the basis of our healthcare model and whose main beneficiaries are the patients.
The turnover of the hospital network increased to 307.9 million euros and the income from the other centres and facilities added another 98.8 million, meaning that the group made 406 million in total. In terms of activity, our hospitals handled over 2 million consultations, 491,410 emergencies, 74,115 admissions and 129,894 surgical interventions. These are important figures which confirm a solid trend of growth.
These notable results are not merely down to chance, they are the result of the commitment and efforts of all the men and women who work at their jobs in accordance with a philosophy and way of doing things which is unique to our group and which is governed by the principles of healthcare cooperativism. We are a non-profit group which practices healthcare inspired by the social economy and whose profits are destined entirely to renewing or expanding our equipment and facilities, to training our professionals and to establishing new businesses. This has enabled us to invest more than 240 million euros in improving and growing our Network over the last eight years.
The pillars on which our activity is founded are:
We choose the best professionals and our hospitals, medical centres and specialised units work with the latest technology.
We apply a single model in all our centres and we use information technology in a constant search for proximity to the patient. Our forty years of experience help us in this aspect.
We offer personalised care through our personal healthcare managers and we work proactively to detect and resolve of the needs of our patients.
One of the constants which has characterised the development of the clinics, medical centres and hospitals in our group has been the clear choice to implement cutting-edge technology, which is exclusive in many cases, in both the treatment and management sides of the business.
Last but in no way least, I would like to highlight the special care that all the professionals in the HLA Group dedicate to the continued search for excellence, something which is at the heart of our strategy. Excellence in the treatment of our patients is at the centre of everything we do and in that regard we have continued to make significant progress. This includes the launch of the Patient´s Web Portal which facilitates the direct management of appointments in all our centres and gives people access to reports written and tests performed, with the subsequent time-saving and ease of management. The portal is supplemented by other programmes and applications that are the result of our digital transformation process, and these offer our patients a unique experience and make their stay with us more comfortable.
As noted in last year’s report, our objective is to keep growing. Nothing can keep us away from our mission so we need to keep innovating, keep investing and keep working to improve peoples’ health and quality of life.
Dr. Francisco Ivorra Miralles
President of Asisa-Lavinia