Message from the President
Dear friends,
Each year, I have the pleasure of writing to you to present the HLA Group Report. And for another year in a row, we can say that the results we will see below reaffirm the right choice we made when creating HLA Healthcare as a hospital group featuring centralised management, the idea which forms the basis of our healthcare model and whose main beneficiaries are the patients.
The turnover of the hospital network increased to 307.9 million euros and the income from the other centres and facilities added another 98.8 million, meaning that the group made 406 million in total. In terms of activity, our hospitals handled over 2 million consultations, 491,410 emergencies, 74,115 admissions and 129,894 surgical interventions. These are important figures which confirm a solid trend of growth.
How did we do in 2018?
In a sector which is showing an increasing concentration of hospitals on offer among the main groups, in which the top five companies represent a combined market quota of 57.5% and more than 300 private clinics, HLA has established itself as the third biggest operator. It is the second biggest which has entirely Spanish capital, with 3% growth in 2018.
Our figures for 2018…
Total admissions
2017 – 71.100 Hospital admissions
Number of professionals
Diversity: female directors
2017 – 31% Female directors
Diversity: No. of female employees
2017 Total stuff – 2,706
International patients
2017 – 16.297 International patients
Better every day
Our objective is to continue progressing in the improvement of our results
Average stay
2017 – 3,3 Days
Hospital admission time
2017 – 46 Minutes
Duration of emergency processes
2017 – 32 Minutes
Time of emergencies
2017 – 16 Minutes
Emergency care
55% more than in 2017
Patient Satisfaction